Workout: Crawl, Walk, Jump, Climb!

- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Walking Lunges (Forward)
- 10 Walking Lunges (Backward)
- 10 Back Extensions
- 10 Burpees (1 press-up per burpee)
- 50 Press-Ups
- 50 Box Jumps (24 inch box male, 18 inch female)
- 20 metre forward Bear Crawl
- 20 metre backward Bear Crawl
- 80 metre Farmer's Walk (2 x 24kg male, 2 x 12kg female)
- 20 metre forward Crab Walk
- 20 metre backward Crab Walk
- 100 Squat Jumps
- 10 x Muscle Ups

Reader Comments (5)
Great workouts but I don't have a park or yard to do em in. 400 meters, 800 meters...try one 7x7 room! Suggestions how to scale crab walks, bear crawls, etc? Thanks!
I assume you mean scale as in performing Bear Crawls/Crab Walks with limited space? If so I have a few ideas - I'll post a video up in a couple of days....
@Tiqtoq - for the Bear Crawl in limited space do the Salamander Push-Up, do a search in the FAQ.
I will have a crab walk video substitute posted soon. Let me know how you get on.
Variations with limited space? How about old fashioned mountain climbers (w/ or without an oblique twist). There's also the move where you stand in one place, bend over, walk yourself out with your arms to plank position, and walk yourself back up with your hands and stand up. And of course, Turkish get ups don't need much room - and they are plenty challenging!
Thanks @Kris. I posted the video on the Salamander push-up, and of course the Elephant walk (which you describe above) will also do wonders! Thanks for the update....