Tabata Tuesday - Level I, Week 1, Day 2 (workout programme from Paleo Fitness Book)
Today's session doesn't take much time but hopefully you will go flat out with maximal effort which is what Tabata is all about. It may seem like just a couple of rounds, but you should be pleased when the 20 seconds are up.
To give you an idea of my session, I completed 52 and then 60 skips/jump ropes in the 2 rounds. (If you don't have a rope then just do it virtually).
On the upper body sprint, I went so fast my arms and shoulders were burning and I was out of breath.
Lunges - I went as low, as fast and as controlled as possible.
Get-Up/Stand-Ups - I did 9 and then 10 reps.
I held a strict hunter-gatherer squat for 3 minutes without moving or stretching.
I used the free app Tabata Timer on my iPhone as it doesn't require any programming. I just reset it at the beginning of the 2 rounds.
Well done everyone on your efforts so far!!
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