120 Second Interview: Robb Wolf (Paleo Solution)

I recently caught up with Robb Wolf when he was in Europe recently with the Paleolithic Solution seminar. I also took this opportunity to have another interview with him.
If you haven't done so, you can read the first Robb Wolf 60 Second Interview
Robb, what are your plans for the future?
I am working on a 2nd edition of the book (The Paleo Solution) with feedback, clinical experiences and advanced topics. I am also conducting a survey with Loren Cordain (author of The Paleo Diet).
Based on the feedback I've had on the Paleolithic Solution seminars that are running - I will add advanced topic seminars for those interested in improving their knowledge on performance nutrition.
What's your current training regime?
I am currently focussing on Strength and Olympic lifting. Volumes consist of reps covering sets of 10 x 2, 10 x 3.
My favourite exercises are Back Squats, single rep Clean & Jerk, Sprints, Bodyweight Exercises and any work that improves my gymnastic ability. Whilst travelling I still attempt to do workouts when I have the opportunity to do so.
What's your favourite cheat meal?
Nachos, Sour Cream and Chillis.
When was the last time you doubted the benefits of the Paleo Diet?
Never doubted it since it has transformed my life and I have experienced the benefits in testamonials with thousands of lives.
What have you noticed about Europe vs USA in terms of food on your visit?
I have noticed the food quality is much higher in Europe in comparison to the USA. Organic foods are also more widely available. It is a generalisation but in the US, lots of decisions about the manufacturing process of food is about how bad can we make this food, but still make it edible and provide appeal to as many people as possible.
There is also more restraint in terms of portion sizes. In the US 'super-sizing' is seen as better value. This just encourages people to eat more.
What do you believe are the most important factors in terms of nutrition's relationship with health?
In simple terms commencing with a gluten-free diet - to lead the way, then a paleo diet to follow.
The future direction of fitness?
Natural movement principles such as MovNat will dominate going forward.