Workout: Titanic Tuesday

Workout: Titanic Tuesday
- Fitness Explorer Warmup
- 500m row
Workout: (rest 1-2 minutes between sets)
- 10 single arm KB* Shoulder Press (M - 24kg, W - 12kg) **
- 20 x 45% bw*** Back Squat
- 10 x 75% bw Back Squat
- 5 x 100% bw Back Squat
- 10 x 100% bw Bench Press (2 count down, 1 count up)
- 5 x 75% bw Bench Press (3 count down, 1 count up)
- 5 x 50% bw Bench Press (5 count down, 1 count up)
- 5 x Asymmetric Bench Press (5kg plate on 1 side, 20kg on the other)
- 100 continuous Bench Presses (without plates)
- 50 Air Squats
Notes: The above weights, reps and exercises are guidelines only.
* KB = Kettlebell, use Dumbbell + 2kg as a substitute
** Repeat with other arm, change to push-press if form fails.
*** bw = Bodyweight, e.g. 45% for a 100kg man would be 45kg.
**** Repeat on the other side.