Workout: Climb, Jump, Crawl, Walk & Sprint!

- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Pull-Ups
- 10 Tricep Dips
- 10 Bodyweight Rows
- 10 Walking Lunges
- 4 Way Medicine Balls of Death (substitute with 30 medicine ball push-ups)
- Cliff Hangers
- 40 metres Bear Crawl
- 40 metres Crab Walk
- 4 Way Medicine Balls of Death (substitute with 30 medicine ball push-ups)
- 20 rounds of Long Jumps (standing or one step start)
- 40 metre Walking Lunge (with 25kg Olympic Plate overhead)
- 20 metre, 20 metre, then 40 metre Drivers