Workout: Movement Monday

- 200m Bear Crawl
- rest - 1 minute
- 200m Crab Walk
- rest - 1 minute
- 100 step Crocodile Walk
- rest - 1 minute
- 100 Burpee Press-Up
- rest - 1 minute
- 100 Jump Pull-Ups
- rest - 1 minute

I'm Darryl Edwards (aka The Fitness Explorer), founder of Primal Play, this website is no longer being updated - please check out for current details on my work, passion and lifestyle approach.
What is Primal Play?
Eat for Health, Move for Life!
Learn more about We Love Paleo
Find out more and details on how to purchase at
"If you are looking for a simple way to better understand Paleo concepts, Darryl's Paleo from A to Z guide is the go-to resource."
-Mark Sisson, best-selling author of The Primal Blueprint and publisher of Mark's Daily Apple
"This book is a useful reference to enable individuals just starting out on the Paleo path as well as those who want to explore more challenging, playful and interesting ways to move."
20 high knee sprints (on the spot, knees at hip height)
20 chair dips
20 squat thrusts
20 tuck jumps
20 push-ups/press-ups
Women aim to complete in < 2 minutes, men in less than 1.5 minutes. Ensure good quality form throughout, don't sacrifice form for numbers. Rest as required.
Exercise alone may not be enough, find out why: -->
I love my local park, recently found a small section with logs. I now use for balance work and lifting. It took quite a few attempts to lift this above head - it's heavy that's all I can say.
Log - deadlift, clean & press
Playout: (combinations of) -->