now online - check out the video trailer!

I'm Darryl Edwards (aka The Fitness Explorer), founder of Primal Play, this website is no longer being updated - please check out for current details on my work, passion and lifestyle approach.
What is Primal Play?
Eat for Health, Move for Life!
Learn more about We Love Paleo
Find out more and details on how to purchase at
"If you are looking for a simple way to better understand Paleo concepts, Darryl's Paleo from A to Z guide is the go-to resource."
-Mark Sisson, best-selling author of The Primal Blueprint and publisher of Mark's Daily Apple
"This book is a useful reference to enable individuals just starting out on the Paleo path as well as those who want to explore more challenging, playful and interesting ways to move."
Researchers tracked more than 150 twin sisters from 43 to 73-years-old and have established a relationship between leg strength and reduced cognitive decline.
Lead researcher Dr Claire Steves said: "When it came to cognitive ageing, leg strength was the strongest factor that had an impact in our study.
"We think leg strength is a marker of the kind of physical activity that is good for your brain."
Read more on the story here:
*** THIS WEEKEND - HEALTH Unplugged ***
50 sessions (with panel discussions, presentations, networking sessions and movement workshops)
20 speakers (authors, coaches, bloggers, doctors and health leaders)
With participants from more than 20 countries.
With more than 10 vendors
Held over 2 days (31 October 2015, 1 Nov 2015) in the heart of London.
Focussing on nutrition, health, fitness, community, and wellbeing.
We are more than one! Let's make a difference, there are still 1 and 2-day tickets available:
*** Honoured to be a part of making this happen! ***
Some insights about the HEALTH Unplugged 2015 Conference taking place in London on the 31 October and 1 November 2015. With over 25 speakers, authors and movement coaches including myself, Jimmy Moore, Denver's Diet Doctor, Mark Sisson, Paul Jaminet, Dr. Terry Wahls, Sam Feltham, Dr. Tommy Wood, Dr Chatterjee, CJ Swaby, Jerry Dhillon, Christine Bailey and many more!
Get your tickets now for HEALTH Unplugged. There are a limited number of discounted tickets available until the end of 30 September 2015 - so don't forget to enter the promo codes - BLG-1DAY for a 10% discounted 1-day ticket or BLG-2DAY for a 15% discounted 2-day ticket.