Video: Health, Activity and Primal Play Presentation at AHS 14

Abstract: If exercise came in pill form, we would only be too eager to take our keep-fit medicine. Even small doses extend longevity and prevent disease. Recent studies tell us that exercise reduces all-cause mortality risk, reduces cardiovascular related events, as well as warding off chronic lifestyle conditions such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cancer.
Even though most of us are aware that physical exercise is important, we are not aware of the sheer extent of its benefits and many of us do not do enough of it. It will be proposed that the lack of activity is more detrimental to long-term health than more recognizable risk factors.
Presentation: The Relationship Between Activity, Good Health, and the Power of Play — Darryl Edwards, MSc (AHS14) Not just talking about play - but getting people to enjoy playful movement too!