Workout: Box, Carry, Lift, Climb, Walk and Balance

Workout: Box, Carry, Lift, Climb, Walk and Balance
- 3 minutes Shadow Boxing
- Air Squat Practice (3 sets of 10 reps - slow and controlled, focussing on good form).
Workout: (combinations of) -->
- 3 x 30 metres Farmer's Walk carrying a breeze block/sandbag.
- 3 x 5 reps Concrete block Deadlift, Squat Clean and Press
- Tree Pull-Ups, muscle-ups and Dead Hangs.
- Balance practice on beams or Park Bench
- 4 x 25m Bear crawls
- 4 x 25m Crab walk
- 4 x 50m Sprints (substitute with Treadmill Drivers) aka Deadmill Sprint if in gym.