Workout: Explosive Fitness (MMA)

- 5 minute moderate row
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Forward Walking Lunges
- 10 Backward Walking Lunges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Back Extensions
- 10 Pull-Ups
Workout: (Repeat circuit 3-6 times depending on ability)
- 1 bodyweight deadlift (e.g. 90kg)
- 6 Pull-Ups (1 x wide, 1 x narrow, 1 x underhand, 1 x overhand, 2 x alternate grip)
- 12 Box Jumps (16-24 inch box)
- 12 Press-Ups
- 45 second Dumbell overhead punches
- 1 minute flat out sprint
- Rest for 30 seconds
- 100 Double Unders*
* To perform a double under:
perform a normal rep (skip/jump rope)
however jump up higher than usual with the rope revolving twice per jump
minimal bending of the knees
keep torso as upright as possible throughout movement.
To substitute 100 double unders, do 400 single jumps, or perform 100 squat jumps.