60 Second Interview: Vic Verdier (MovNat)

60 Second Interview: Vic Verdier (MovNat)
Who are you?
What is fitness to you?
Fitness is the mental and physical ability to do whatever you want with your body: running, jumping, playing, climbing, or defending yourself. It allows you to quickly learn new skills or techniques whilst minimising the risk of injuries.
What are your goals?
My main goal is to train as many people as possible in natural movement. Compared to the far less efficient "fitness programs" based on isolation movements using one-size-fits-all machines you find in most commercial gyms. People have to re-learn how to move in a natural way, in a natural environment, with a nature-oriented mindset.
What is one of your main concerns in relation to health?
What is your favourite meal?
What is your favourite exercise/activity?
En Francais: http://www.thefitnessexplorer.com/home/2010/10/18/un-interview-de-soixante-secondes-vic-verdier-movnat.html