Workout: 300 (Battle of Thermopylae II)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 21:24
Darryl Edwards in 300, Alternative 300 Workout, Spartan, Workouts
aka "Stamford's Revenge"

- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Pull-Ups
- 10 Tricep Dips
- 10 Back Extensions
- 50 Burpees (1 push-up between each rep)
- 50 Deadlifts (60kg/132lb)
- 50 Crocodile Walks
- 50 Walking Lunges
- 50 dead Clean & Press (single-arm 15kg/33lb), touch floor between each rep.
- 5 rounds of (5 Wide Grip Pull-Ups + 5 Narrow Grip Jump Pull-Ups)
300 Reps in total.
* Complete these 300 reps as quickly as possible, completing each set of reps before moving onto the next exercise.
"We are taught never to retreat, never to surrender" - King Leonidas
Darryl: 24:00
Mitch: 30:00 (Mitch wasn't able to complete the dead clean & presses).
Article originally appeared on Eat for Health, Move for Life : The Paleo Lifestyle (
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