Workout: Take it Easy

Workout: Take it Easy
- 5 minute row (easy pace)
- Fitness Explorer Warmup
- 60 sec Plank, 30 sec rest
- Hold Plank for 60 sec (with a Press-up at 5 past, 10 past and so on - i.e. 12 press-ups in total)
- 30 sec Burpee (with 2 press-ups), 30 sec rest
- 45 sec Burpee (with 1 press-ups), 15 sec rest
- 15 sec Burpee, 45 sec rest
- 60 sec 1 arm 20kg Kettlebell Press (repeat with other arm), 60 sec rest
- 60 sec 2 arm Kettlebell Swing, 30 sec rest
- 60 sec Squat Hold (hold bottom of squat position), 30 sec rest.
- 30 metre Crab Walk
- 30 metre Bear Crawl
- 10 Pull-Ups
- 150 Double Unders

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