Workout: Strength Endurance II

- 5 min moderate effort - Row, Run or Bike.
- 50 Double Unders *
Strength Endurance:
(perform one of the below exercises, either Gold, Silver or Bronze effort)
- Gold: 100 x 20kg Kettlebell 1 arm Snatches (50 per arm)
- Silver: or 100 x 10kg Dumbbell Squat Clean and Press - Silver (50 each arm)
- Bronze: or 100 x 10kg Dumbbell Push Press - Bronze (50 each arm)
30 Chin-Ups (underhand grip)
20 Box Jumps
10 Clap (Plyometric) Push-Ups
* To perform a double under:
perform a (skip/jump rope).
jump up higher than usual, swinging the rope round twice per jump.
minimal bending of the knees and staying as upright as possible.
To substitute 50 double unders, do 200 single jumps, or 100 squat jumps.

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