60 Second Interview: Martin Rooney (Training For Warriors)

Who are you?
Martin Rooney. A fitness crusader. If believe in something so strongly I want to spread this information in an enjoyable way that will increase interest.
What is fitness to you?
A way of life, in fact - an essential way of life. Without health you have nothing. Health is under our control - but we lack the strategy.
What are your goals?
Utilising the Training for Warriors (TFW) and Parisi Systems to influence people positively about fitness.
What is one of your main concerns in relation to public health?
Childhood obesity. I work with lots of children with autism, type II diabetes and other ailments based on being fed more poorly and with less activity. Who is doing anything about this?
What is your favourite meal?
Breakfast. Raw oats, scrambled eggs and almonds.
What is your favourite exercise/activity?
Sprinting - 3 times a week.
Activity - Judo.
Why the Hurricane Training System?
A great tool to burn fat, build muscle, increase mental toughness and improve confidence.
Blog/Website: www.trainingforwarriors.com