Workout: 300 (Queen Gorgo's Challenge) - for Women

I've received a few comments about posting an alternative 300 workout for women.
Here is one I've created specifically for women called "Queen Gorgo's Challenge". Gorgo was the Queen of Sparta at the time of the Battle of Thermopylae.
10 minute Indoor Row
10 Push-Ups
10 Air Squats
10 Sit-Ups
5 Pull-Ups
30 Jump Pull-Ups
60 Sit-Ups
30 Box Jumps (18-20 inch box)
60 Shoulder Presses (10kg Barbell)
30 Walking Lunges (using 10kg plate, with arms fully extended overhead)
30 Dips
30 Floor Wipers (with 10kg plate overhead)
30 Burpees (with 1 Push-Up between each rep)
i.e. 300 Reps in total.
100 Air Squats (as quickly as possible)
- feet shoulder width apart,
- depth below parallel on the squat,
- heels stay on the ground,
- maintain a neutral spine, i.e. not a rounded back
* Complete these 300 reps as quickly as possible, completing each exercise before moving onto the next.
Please post workout time to comments.
"This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this!" - Queen Gorgo

Reader Comments (5)
I did this earlier today. A great combination of moves some of which look easy on paper. But you'll soon regret thinking that, especially those Burpee/Pressups.
I completed the 300 workout in 24 minutes, my training partner in 29.
Please post some other workouts for women, really enjoyed this one. :-)
Will post more 'women' only workouts in due course. Thanks for supporting the site.
My gym doesn't have an indoor rowing machine. Is there a way I can do the motion without the machine or a different excersise that I can do that will be comparable?
23 minutes; omitting the 10 minute warm-up row due to lack of rowing machine.
It took me 24 minutes. I had to use resistance band for the indoor row since I do not have a row machine.