Workout: Tabata Thursday

- 60 seconds shadow boxing
- Fitness Explorer Warmup
Tabata Intervals (20 minutes including rest periods)
- 20 sec 1 arm KB Clean & Press**, 10 sec Rest - (repeat for 8 rounds).
- rest - 30 sec
- 20 sec Press-Up, 10s rest - (repeat for 8 rounds)
- rest - 30 sec
- 20 sec Drivers, 10s rest - (repeat for 8 rounds)
- rest - 30 sec
- 20 sec standing start Long Jumps (max effort),10 sec rest - (repeat for 8 rounds)
- rest - 2m 30 sec
* KB = 16kg Kettlebell - male, 8kg - female, you can substitute dumbbells for kettlebells (but add 2kg).
** KB should touch floor in between reps, swap arms as needed.
100 Jump Pull-Ups

Reader Comments (2)
After two weeks out of the gym, I have to say this defeated me. It's a good workout though and I will try it again on Friday.
@The Almanac, I tried this today. All I can say is my drivers became walkers!!!! I was shattered.