Workout: Friday Fitness
Friday, August 6, 2010 at 20:01
Darryl Edwards in Burpees, Deadlifts, Squats, Workouts


10 min Row/Run

10 Push-Ups

10 Air Squats

10 Sit-Ups

10 Jump Pull-Ups

10 Bodyweight Rows (overhand grip)


3 sets (10 reps of 85kg) Deadlift

50 Jump Pull-Ups

50 Walking Lunges (with single arm 14kg DumbBell overhead - 25 each arm).

50 Crocodile Walks

50 Crab Walks

50 Burpees (with 1 Push-Up between each rep)



Burpee Pyramid (Continuous)

5 Burpees, 1 Push-Up

4 Burpees, 2 Push-Ups

3 Burpees, 3 Push-Ups

2 Burpees, 4 Push-Ups

1 Burpee, 5 Push-Ups

Burpee, Push-Up, Dip, Pull-Up Combo

1 Burpee, 2 Push-Ups, 2 Dips, 2 Pull-Ups 

1 Burpee, 3 Push-Ups, 3 Dips, 3 Pull-Ups 

1 Burpee, 2 Push-Ups, 2 Dips, 2 Pull-Ups

1 Burpee, 1 Push-Up, 1 Dip, 1 Pull-Up

Pull-Up Holds 

2 Pull-Ups (hold for 1 minute at the top)

Treadmill Drivers **

3 x 30 second rounds


* Complete each set of reps before moving onto the next exercise.

** Treadmill is stationary, sprint as fast as you can holding the handles in front of you (as if you are pushing the treadmill forward).  Tougher than it sounds!

Article originally appeared on Eat for Health, Move for Life : The Paleo Lifestyle (
See website for complete article licensing information.