60 Second Interview: David Csonka

Who are you?
David Csonka. I'm an application developer at a university, and I blog about fitness, nutrition, and barefoot running.
What is fitness to you?
Being healthy, and unencumbered by physical limitations.
What are your goals?
To be as healthy as I am now, 40 years in the future.
What is one of your main concerns in relation to health?
Fitness and nutrition plans guided by misinformation and faulty "common knowledge". Specifically, the fallacious low-fat diet.
What is your favourite meal?
Something new I recently tried, a Meat-za. Burger patties with pizza sauce, bacon, cheese, and pepperoni on top. It was love at first bite.
What is your favourite exercise/activity?
Trail running, hiking. I love running out into the woods to experience nature, and take photos of flowers and animals. Being away from the noises and distractions of civilization is nice.

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