Video: Park Bench as a Balance Beam

Video: Balance Work (Practice)
Balance - the ability to control the body's stability whilst moving (or stationary) regardless of its base of support. One of the 20 Components of Fitness.
The video below is of me attempting to use a park bench as a balance beam.
How to improve your balance:
There is no need to use a BOSU, swiss ball, balance board or a park bench for that matter. There are much simpler methods.
Aim to stand on one leg for the duration of brushing e.g. 2 minutes in the morning on the left leg, and then the other leg at night. You may only manage a few seconds to begin with, but this will increase over time as your skills improve.
The intention is not to hold on to anything or to put the other foot down to gain support.
Vary the amount of knee bend each time, this will not only strengthen the muscles that support the knee but also help prevent injury and knee pain. This may be uncomfortable to begin with but is necessary to promote stability in the joints.
Also spend time balancing on the heel, balls of feet, inside and outside of foot. This will help to sensitise the foot whilst improving ankle mobility and strength.
To control and minimise re-balancing use the hip/core as the primary area of control (rather than the arms) to maintain balance.
The hips, knees and ankles should work together in an integrated fashion.

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