Personal Training - Marketing Failure
I met a personal trainer today, working for one of the leading chain of gyms in the Country. They wear T-shirts emblazoned with "PERSONAL TRAINER". Just in case you had any doubt what they did for a living.
He was walking back to the gym, and the following brief conversation took place:
Darryl: "Why are you eating a McDonald's lunch?"
Guy: "I can't find anything else to eat!"
Darryl: "On one of the busiest High St's in London?”
Guy: "No, this is more convenient"
Darryl: "Not the greatest advert for a healthy lifestyle though, is it? What would your clients think?"
Guy: "My clients are my advertisement, and they are all in great shape!"
At that, he walks off taking another bite of his burger and slurps from his very large soft drink.