Personal Training - Marketing Failure

I met a personal trainer today, working for one of the leading chain of gyms in the Country. They wear T-shirts emblazoned with "PERSONAL TRAINER". Just in case you had any doubt what they did for a living.
He was walking back to the gym, and the following brief conversation took place:
Darryl: "Why are you eating a McDonald's lunch?"
Guy: "I can't find anything else to eat!"
Darryl: "On one of the busiest High St's in London?”
Guy: "No, this is more convenient"
Darryl: "Not the greatest advert for a healthy lifestyle though, is it? What would your clients think?"
Guy: "My clients are my advertisement, and they are all in great shape!"
At that, he walks off taking another bite of his burger and slurps from his very large soft drink.

Reader Comments (3)
That sounds so much like the ubiquitous obese karate instructor that you find in the U.S.
I had a similar conversation with a fellow student when I was getting my personal trainer certification....she smoked. I boggled my mind how she thought she'd be able to get clients when she was a heavy smoker. I'm firm believer in practicing what you preach. Great blog by the way!
Thanks, I really think this is important. Of course no one is perfect - but if we are trying to promote a healthy lifestyle (and getting paid for it!) then we should make a 'try harder than the average person' effort.