Workout: 300 (Battle of Thermopylae)

aka "Battle of Stamford"
5 minute Indoor Row
10 Push-Ups
10 Air Squats
10 Sit-Ups
10 Pull-Ups
50 Double Unders**
50 Jump Pull-Ups
50 Walking Lunges (with 25kg plate arms fully extended overhead)
50 Tricep Dips
50 Floor Wipers (with 25kg plate overhead)
50 Burpees (with 2 Push-Ups between each rep)
i.e. 300 Reps in total.
"Cliff Hangers" - 12 Pull-Ups - (alternating grips and moving from left to right after each rep - without feet touching the ground).
30, 20 and 10 second rounds of Treadmill Drivers ***
* Complete these 300 reps as quickly as possible, completing each set of 50 reps before moving onto the next exercise.
** To perform a double under, jump up higher than usual swinging the rope twice per jump. With minimal bending of the knees and staying as upright as possible. To substitute do 200 single jumps.
*** Treadmill is stationary, sprint as fast as you can holding the handles in front of you (as if you are pushing the treadmill forward). Tougher than it sounds!
"We are taught never to retreat, never to surrender" - King Leonidas
300 Times:
Edwards: 18:30
Barker: 20:50
Keshani: 25:48
Mitch: 26:06