Beach Workout (Tel Aviv) III

Beach Run
3km Beach Run*
* (Attempt it in bare feet if possible).

I'm Darryl Edwards (aka The Fitness Explorer), founder of Primal Play, this website is no longer being updated - please check out for current details on my work, passion and lifestyle approach.
What is Primal Play?
Eat for Health, Move for Life!
Learn more about We Love Paleo
Find out more and details on how to purchase at
"If you are looking for a simple way to better understand Paleo concepts, Darryl's Paleo from A to Z guide is the go-to resource."
-Mark Sisson, best-selling author of The Primal Blueprint and publisher of Mark's Daily Apple
"This book is a useful reference to enable individuals just starting out on the Paleo path as well as those who want to explore more challenging, playful and interesting ways to move."
Beach Run
3km Beach Run*
* (Attempt it in bare feet if possible).
Can 10 minutes of exercise really be as effective as 10 hours?
High Intensity exercise seems to becoming a more popular form of workout and is something I aim to do in most of my workouts. But is there more to this than just being a time-saver? Or is it just seen as an easy way out? Well I read an article in the Metro recently that adds some science to the argument.
Researchers at McMaster University in Canada discovered that exercising at very high intensity for short periods (e.g. sprinting) is just as effective in improving the cardio-respiratory system as much lower intensity exercise (e.g jogging) in endurance work. Which is great news for those of us who have little time, but still want results.
This is a great way to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our exercise program regardless of the amount of time available.
Read the full article in the Metro here: