Nutrition: Eggs a wholesome food?

For about 20 years scientists have advised us to limit the amount of eggs in our diet due to the level of cholesterol in the yolk.
However the American Heart Association has recently identified a boiled egg as an ideal combination of increased satiety (the feeling of being full) and of prolonged energy release due to it being low GI in nature.
An egg also contains several important nutrients such as Choline which is essential for cellular health, and preserving memory.
A boiled egg is only around 80 calories, and contains 72% protein. It's a high quality protein food containing all nine essential amino acids. A complete and balanced source of protein which is easy to digest. Although there are many protein shakes and formulations available, the egg is still considered the standard against which all other protein foods are measured because their protein composition is so perfectly balanced. It also offers great value for money.
The nutritional value improves significantly when you go organic. A study conducted by "Mother Earth News" (Oct/Nov 2007) found that free-range organic eggs have 2/3 more vitamin A, three times more vitamin E, seven times more beta carotene and twice the omega-3 essential fatty acids in comparison to non-organic.
Eggs should no longer be viewed as an icon of too much cholesterol and should be viewed as a staple part of a healthy individual's diet. Easy to cook, prepare and of great nutritional benefit.