Paleo Fitness Book Cited in Peer-Reviewed Journal

Paleo Fitness Book Cited in Peer-Reviewed Journal
I received a wonderful email recently from a PhD candidate working on medical literature:
"Mr Edwards your Paleo Fitness book was very useful to my work and I thought you might be interested that I incorporated your book into the first peer-reviewed article published in an humanities/cultural-studies journal on the Paleo Diet. The article 'The Paleo Diet and the American Weight Loss Utopia, 1975-2014' was recently published in Utopian Studies, largely considered the best publication on utopian thought and practice today. Nearly all academic libraries carry hard copies.
My work is in literature and history. I believe that fitness and nutrition narratives like yours are both valuable health texts and important works of literary value.
Google is to thank for how I found your work, thank you for your help!
- Adrienne"

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