Testimonial: Virtual Training (6 Weeks Later)

Testimonial: Virtual Training (6 Weeks Later)
Week 6
Wow! Life is so much more agreeable when you feel energetic and capable.
I am really starting to reap the benefits of eating delicious nutritious food and restoring my strength and stamina. Despite broken sleep nursing my baby, I wake feeling refreshed and ready to go. I can’t remember the last time I had a headache!
The physical benefits cannot be overstated - I feel significantly more confident and able to meet life’s challenges. What a difference to basic daily activities: running up the stairs without feeling out of breath; climbing trees and joining in a game of football in the back garden. What is most amazing is that my children discern the difference and will ask me to play games that were formerly only “Daddy games”. I really love that I can catch my 25kg son sprinting and jumping up at me! Bonus cuddles.
Being an active Mumma is what this lifestyle upgrade is all about – but a fabulous side benefit at the end of 6 weeks was putting on this UK size 10 (US size 6) dress for a family party.
Read about the First 14 Days
Read about Week 4

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