Darryl - You Look Really Weak!

I remember feeling quite proud when I achieved a 70kg (154lb) deadlift about 8 years ago, especially as I never felt like a strong individual and at the time I had been suffering from chronic low back pain since my twenties.
Someone messaged me a few days ago [repeatedly :-)] telling me I didn't look very strong and that instead of all this playing around outside I should try deadlifting some real weight in the gym! He boasted about lifting 160kg (350lbs) at his bodyweight of 90kg and sent me a nice photo of his shining muscles.
Well I am not really a gym person anymore, and I don't care so much about the absolute weights lifted or the size of one's muscles - but he stopped hassling me when I told him that my last deadlift 1 rep max attempt was 220kg (485lb) at a bodyweight of 92kg. Not bad for a weak guy who plays outside a lot...

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