Paleo Breakfast : Fruit & Eggs (with Sardines)

Here is the Paleo breakfast I had earlier today.
Sardines are a great source of Omega 3 essential fatty-acids and a great source of readily absorbed calcium.
Eggs are great for many reasons. They are a wholesome food. Eggs are a high quality protein food - containing all the essential amino acids and a great source of balanced macro and micro nutrients. It is easy to digest and has a high level of bioavailability, which means that most of the nutrients ingested are absorbed and utilised by the body.
To increase the amount of healthy fats I have used copious amounts of extra-virgin coconut oil. The medium-chain saturated fat in coconut oil tends to be used as an efficient energy source by the body rather then being stored as body fat.
I also added an apple and a clementine for a variety of anti-oxidants washed down with a litre of peppermint with green tea.
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