Paleo Refreshment: Real Coconut Water

Real organic coconut water - picked fresh from a street vendor for about 60 Jamaican dollars i.e. about 45p (UK) or around 80c (US).
Coconut Water:
Coconut water has recently been marketed as "Nature's Sports Drink". But I've also been fortunate to drink this as a child and also regularly as an adulthood before any of the "latest health-craze" hype.
Coconut water is great way to hydrate the body - the reason being it is naturally rich in electrolytes which we lose as part of intense and enduring exercise through sweat, on a hot day or when dehydrated. Rich in potassium and other minerals coconut water helps to regulate our internal fluids and maintain the correct levels of hydration.
What is it like?
For those who have never tried it before. It is a relatively clear liquid and has a sweet, slightly nutty taste that you will either love or hate. The water tends to come from the young, green coconuts as they contain more liquid. Personally I find it very refreshing on a hot day or after a workout - especially when chilled.
Ideally you want to get a fresh coconut (in London you can get these from many local markets) but there are now many manufacturers such as Vita Coco, Zico and Biona who produce carton and bottled forms of this drink so much easier to get hold of - but at an elevated price point.
Other produce from the coconut come in the form of coconut milk or oil which also are staples of paleo or ancestral-based nutrition.
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