Thought of the Day: Exercise Less But Do More?

A few questions:
Do you look on in envy at those who spend endless time in the gym to get the body they want?
Or marvel at those who eat all manner of esoteric substitutes for food such as whey protein shakes, bars and other chemical based snacks and seem to get the results they want?
What about those who have a medicine cabinet full of supplements and know exactly what these vitamins and minerals will help to combat any deficiencies in their diet?
Or what about those that are convinced that their way is best and nothing else matters?
Well it's only natural to want a rule book or a template we can follow. If we just stick with a step by step programme we can achieve exactly what we want from fitness, health and lifestyle objectives. Why does this not happen as easily as it should?
I have spent about 25 years looking for shortcuts, magic pills, ideal workout programmes from magazines, workout regimes that worked for friends but never for me. I was never satisfied with the results - ever.
For most people we think what will work is whatever we are not doing now.
The right programme is just around the corner or the grass is greener elsewhere. But let's spend some time cultivating what we all have.
Here are a few tips that made a significant difference to me and my lifestyle and may work for you.
- Learn to enjoy movement as a child loves to move. That inner child that is constantly being told to sit still. The inner child that plays by moving not by playing with a gadget when stationary. The inner child who views movement with love and passion, not with fear and dread.
- Play the long game and think about what you don't want more so than what you do want. Instead of thinking about getting a body that looks good for two weeks a year. Or a body that looks good for a personal trainer's photoshoot or a body that looks good enough to get a mate. Think about a healthy, functional and independent life for the rest of your life.
- Whatever contradictions or misinformation available about nutrition and movement. There is one thing for certain - if all information, nutritional studies and exercise coaching failed to exist from tomorrow. What would we do? We would simply all feel better and be healthier by moving and making better food choices. In fact it would be essential for our survival to do so. For some of us it may mean we need to educate ourselves more, but let's be honest for most of us we just need to DO more and take more positive action.
Are there really any solutions?
Before you ask I don't envy those who spend endless hours in the gym everyday. I believe there are more enjoyable and productive pastimes. I exercise less than at any period in the last 20 years but I DO more. I think more about what will work for my body, what will allow be to be more functional in the present and the future. Not just about how good I will look now. I also eat real food 80-90% of the time, I avoid supplements (unless there is pretty strong evidence there is a benefit - in most cases there are none), I avoid short-term gimmicks, I minimise stress in my life, I constantly question and educate myself and I aim to get quality sleep.
I realise that what I do may not be the best way, but it is the best way for me at the moment and it is better than what I have done in the past. I constantly challenge myself not only physically but also intellectually. Just because it sounds right doesn't mean it is, and just because it is not conventional does not make it wrong. One size does not fit all and with health 'bespoke' may be the only way to go.
It is better to take a chance to make changes to improve your health than to play with known lifestyle risks and flirt with sickness and ill health.
As a result of the above I am fitter, stronger and most importantly undeniably healthier than at any other period of my adult life so far. I'd be happy for you to come and join me...

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