Workout: Low to High
Thursday, January 5, 2012 at 12:50
Darryl Edwards in Bear Crawl, Bodyweight Exercise, Crab Walk, Workouts



Low Intensity: 10 mins

Concept 2 Row (Warmup) - Minimum 2000m

Medium Intensity: Repeat below for 10 mins 

Farmer's Walk (2 x 32kg KBs)

Push Up Variations (Narrow, Wide, Knuckle, Finger Tip, Hindu, etc)

Crocodile Walk (20m)

Bear Crawl (50m)

Crab Walks (50m)

32kg KB Chest Carry

High Intensity: (Repeat Circuit below for 15 mins)

8 Pull-ups

20 x 16 KB Snatches

20 x 32kg Weighted KB Step Ups

20 Dead hang knee raises

20 Squats

20 Burpees


Please scale all Fitness Explorer workouts to your current ability.  This may mean increasing or decreasing the weights prescribed, modifying distances and times, or changing number of sets and reps to complete.  Get adequate rest and sufficient nutrition to fuel the activity and to aid in recovery.  Work hard and play hard but never sacrifice correct form.

Please visit the exercise FAQ for details on individual exercises or consult the advice of a registered exercise professional to ensure safe execution of the above movements.

If you are new to this mode of exercise, try one of the beginner's circuits

Perform a warmup prior to activity, here's an example Fitness Explorer warmup

Watch   Fitness Explorer video's here on YouTube

Article originally appeared on Eat for Health, Move for Life : The Paleo Lifestyle (
See website for complete article licensing information.