Health: What Causes Hypertension?
Sunday, May 8, 2011 at 22:03
Darryl Edwards in Health, Paleo, Q&A

Health: What Causes Hypertension?

This is the third of five posts looking at blood pressure.  These will be posted daily, and will conclude with an article on why leading a paleolithic lifestyle can contribute to maintaining a healthy blood presure.

You can view the previous articles here:

1. What is blood pressure?

2. Why is high blood pressure (hypertension) important?

What Causes Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)?

Over 90% of people with high blood pressure have what is called essential or primary hypertension.  In those cases the medical profession don't know the exact root cause.  One known fact is that blood vessels become less elastic as we age, so high blood pressure becomes increasingly common in older people. 

Other interesting facts.  High blood pressure is more common in people: 

Secondary hypertension is high blood pressure that can be tracked to a particular disease or medication.

What about lifestyle factors?

The following risk factors all increase the likelihood of high blood pressure.

Upcoming blog posts: 

4. What can we do to maintain a healthy blood pressure?

5. Will a Paleolithic lifestyle help to lower hypertension?

Article originally appeared on Eat for Health, Move for Life : The Paleo Lifestyle (
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