Video: Precision Jumping I

Video: Precision Jump I
Starting to spend more time practising my precision jumps, often seen in Parkour with traceurs landing on all sorts of objects (walls, railings, etc) - where failing to nail a precise landing will lead to serious injury. Precision jumps are also a fundamental movement in MovNat.
Jumping is a primal movement pattern, and as the distance increases it involves a significant generation of power (a combination of strength and speed to move mass over a given distance).
Jumping in itself can be used as part of workouts, such as Box Jumps in Crossfit. However once precision is added, far greater control and efficiency is needed. A soft/quiet landing ensures the muscles are performing the shock absorption rather than overly stressing the joints. It also requires a high degree of balance and agility - something often neglected in our fitness pursuit.
I will keep you posted on my progress...

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