Workout: It's Spring (almost) - It's Saturday, Let's Play!

A beautiful day today in London, sun was out and spring is definitely in the air! The hour class soon became 2.5 hours of playing, didn't want it to end...
- Running and Jumps (aka Frogger)
Workout: (combinations of) -->
- POSE running technique
- Sprinting
- Air Squat and High Jump Squat drills
- Step Vault, Speed Vault & Speed Vault Progressions
- Dead-Hang Tree Pull-Ups & Assisted Pull-Ups
- Tree Muscle Ups/Climbing & Assists
- Park Bench balance drills
- Walking/running on very low rails
- Bear crawl, Crab Walks, Praying Mantis (side to side plank walk)
- Mini-Circuits
- and lots of messing about :-)
* Alysia was a natural on the balance bench, video to follow.
** Kirk's first attempt on the bench, great effort! Kirk's also warming up for his pull-up matrix tomorrow - good luck : -->

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