Workout: 300 (Stay At Home)

I've been asked recently about posting a workout that can be done at home, with no equipment and one that can cater for beginner and for progression to intermediate and more advanced levels. So here you go!
5 minute shadow boxing/skipping (or virtual skipping if you have no rope).
Workout: Stay At Home
Advanced: (300 reps)
50 Air Squats
50 Sit-Ups
50 Lunges
50 Chair Dips (dip using a chair/sofa)
50 Back Extensions
Intermediate: (200 reps)
40 Push-Ups/Press-Ups (2 sets of 15, 1 set of 10)
40 Air Squats (2 sets of 20)
40 Chair Dips (4 sets of 10)
40 Sit-Ups (2 sets of 20)
40 Back Extensions (2 sets of 15, 1 set of 10)
Beginner: (100 reps)
20 Push-Ups/Press-Ups (4 sets of 5)
20 Air Squats (2 sets of 10)
20 Chair Dips (4 sets of 5)
20 Sit-Ups (2 sets of 10)
20 Back Extensions (2 sets of 10)
The key here is to perform the circuit with as little rest as possible and to master each exercise with good and safe technique i.e. don't cheat the move.
Sometimes we dismiss exercises such as the above because of their simplicity. But sometimes a back-to-basics approach works. This will work multiple muscle groups at once (compound work), ensure a full body workout and improve coordination with its integrated movement. You will also find a cardiovascular element with your heart and lungs working hard to supply blood and oxygen to the working muscles.
Also don't take too long to complete. These should take up to 15 minutes maximum. But your goal is to complete this in less than 7 minutes. If any of the circuits take longer than 15 minutes. Be patient, drop down to the previous level until you are comfortable in the 7 minute range.
Let me know how you get on!
If you would like more workouts based on a 12 week programme then check out Paleo Fitness Book suitable for all levels!

300 - Stay At Home (Video added) with Kirk performing the workout.

Reader Comments (8)
I really enjoy your website but sometimes felt these workouts were a little outside of my reach (actually a lot outside) :-) Well I tried the beginners workout this morning, and managed to complete in 15 minutes. JUST!
My push ups are poor, so I had to do single reps but I got there. Thanks for posting this and I will let you know how I progress. Thanks Darryl.
My wife, Michelle, managed to complete the beginners workout the other evening and I have to admit I was impressed. Considering only a few weeks back anything like this would have been far beyond her she completed it - albeit a tad tired :)
We'll have her doing this three times a week for the next month, aiming to get the time down to within the seven minute completion target, and then go for the intermediate circuit. The overall goal is to have her doing her workouts with me and following the workouts posted here.
A beasting good enough for me is a beasting good enough for her :)
Decided to do all three together as a bedtime circuit and I have to admit my triceps are feeling fried.
I did it in the order provided, almost like a reverse pyramid in conventional weight training, with the heavy advanced circuit followed by intermediate and then beginner. Wow. I didn't think I'd need a pause between levels but my body told me otherwise. Great quick, little workout to do before bed. I can thoroughly recommend it :)
Update from the wife, her second time round on the beginners circuit and she has halved her time from 20 minutes to 10 minutes. She's even popping out some full press-ups. Looks like that intermediate circuit may be coming round before the month is out. :)
Well, Michelle has only gone and surprised me further by completing the beginners circuit in around 5 minutes. I have no option but to move her onto the next level circuit. Lucky her.
Sorry folks, another update on my better half. Her first time on the intermediate circuit and she managed it in 12 minutes. That's half the time she took to do the beginners circuit in only a fortnight ago. Way to go, the results - and smiles from myself - speak for themselves! :)
I'm gonna give the intermediate one a try this weekend - fingers crossed!
How did you get on Kris?