Workout: Pull-Up Matrix (Advanced)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 12:00
Darryl Edwards in Bodyweight, Bodyweight Exercise, Pull-Ups, Workouts

- 10 minute moderate row (substitute skipping/jump rope or running)
- 20 Push-ups
- 20 Air Squats
- 20 sec full hang, 1 pull-up - (shoulder width, overhand grip) - rest for 40 sec
- 10 sec full hang, then 3 Pull-ups (wide, overhand grip) - rest for 30 sec
- 30 sec hang - knees raised (shoulder width, overhand grip) - rest for 30 sec
- 5 Pull-Ups, then 30 sec full hang (narrow underhand grip) - rest for 10 sec
- 30 sec (bend at elbows) hang (underhand grip), 5 Pull-Ups - rest for 30 sec.
- 5 pull-ups diagonal to the left, 5 pull-ups diagonal to the right - aka Mountain Climbers (wide overhand grip)
- Bent Arm Knee to Elbow (twist) - 10 left twist, 10 right twist.
- 5 Pull-ups (underhand grip) - rest for 50 sec
- 15 sec (bend at elbows) - knee raise hang, 15 sec full hang, 15 sec knee hang, rest for 15 sec.
- 3 Pull-ups (wide, overhand grip) - rest for 50 sec.
100 Air Squats
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