Workout: Crossfit Cindy

- 5 min moderate effort - Row, Run or Bike.
- 10 Push-Ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Sit-Ups
Workout: --> "Crossfit Cindy"
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
- 5 Pull-ups
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Air Squats
Treadmill Drivers (3 x 20 second rounds)
I completed 11 rounds the last time I did Crossfit Cindy (May), today I completed 15 rounds. Which is significant progress. This equates to: 75 Pull-Ups, 150 Push-Ups and 225 Air Squats in 20 minutes which is a personal best. I had to start brief periods of rest after the 7th round.
My training partner Chris completed 12 rounds.
My goal is to get to 18-20 rounds, when I attempt this again in a couple of months.

Just about to kick off another 20 minutes, to try and reclaim the top spot. See you soon!

I managed to really power through today, and completed 18 rounds, and 3 pull-ups! Inspired by the competition from Mitch and Keshani! Until next time guys...

Reader Comments (6)
I manage to do 16 rounds but only just as my watch went off straight after my last air squat.
The push ups and air squats were not that challenging but the pulls were a killer as I struggled greatly as the rounds went on. I started with a normal grip then had to move to inside grip.
I was exploding on the push ups and air squats.
I managed to get out 15, was really pleased with this though I notice I managed to do the first 7 sets by the 5-6 minute mark and the remaining 8 took another 14-15 minutes. My 15th set took me 2 minutes!
Amazing effort guys!!
PS. Were those squats below parallel and the pull-ups dead hang boys? ;-)
Managed 11 rounds. had the same experience as Mitch. exploded through the squats and push up, but pull ups let me down.
yes Darryl, dead hang and below parallel. lol..
Gosh - I can't do that many unassisted pull ups - but I used a band and got in 18 rounds (up from 13 a month ago). That counts right?
Great site!
Hi Guys,
do you do the pull ups straight or strict ? Imanaged 15 rounds strict first time I did Cindy.
Let me know your thoughts.