Workout: New Year's Ease 2010

Seeing out 2010 with my final workout of the year, for motivation it was all about 2010 in different combinations.
2000m Row + 10 Press-Ups
20 Overhead Squats + 10 Press-Ups
Workout: (aim to complete the below as quickly as possible)
40 x 50kg Deadlift = 2000kg + 10 Pull-Ups
50 x 40kg Front Squat = 2000kg + 10 Dips
50 x 40kg Upright Row = 2000kg + 10 Air Squats
50 x 40kg Shoulder Press = 2000kg + 10 Çhin-Ups
2010m Row for time (7:10)
Happy New Year everyone!

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