Workout: Thursday Thunder

- 5 Burpee Press-Ups
- Fitness Explorer Warm Up
Main Workout:
- 100m row, right-arm 24kg KettleBell Clean & Press (hold at top for 20s)
- 100m row, left-arm 24kg KB Clean & Press (hold at top for 20s)
- 150m row, right-arm 24kg KB Clean & Press (hold at top for 30s)
- 150m row, left-arm 24kg KB Clean & Press (hold at top for 30s)
- 200m row, right-arm 24kg KB Clean & Press (hold at top for 40s)
- 200m row, left-arm 24kg KB Clean & Press (hold at top for 40s)
Pull-Up Ladder:
Perform 1 strict dead-hang Pull-Up/Chin-Up in the first minute, (using the remaining minute for rest), 2 in the second minute, 3 in the 3rd and so on until the 10th minute has elapsed. Each set has to be completed within 60 seconds.
Record the number of maximum reps recorded in each minute, if successful you will have completed 55 reps in 10 minutes.
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55
10 sec Drivers : 10 sec rest
20 sec Drivers : 20 sec rest
30 : 30
30 : 30
20 : 20
20 : 20
10 : 10
10 : 10
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