Testimonial: Iain and Another Pair of Jeans?

Testimonial: Iain and Another Pair of Jeans?
I have always had an active background, from a young age I studied karate and jujitsu and played football for the school or was out exploring the world near my village in Scotland
Through my teens and twenties, I continued my jujitsu practice, attained my teaching qualifications, and competed nationally whilst playing local level at Rugby Union. I even became a qualified fitness instructor to pay my way through my IT degree. Fitness was a huge part of my life. By the time I was 22 my weight had gone up to an athletic 12st (76kg/168lb).
For the period covering my late twenties\early thirties I let things slide as I established myself in my job and juggled raising a family with my otherwise hectic schedule. I still trained three times a week but lost my six pack, acquired a beer belly (affectionately called 'one keg’), and watched as my waist decided it liked the number 36 instead of 30. My weight rose to 13st. (82kg/182lb)
My training was the conventional bodybuilding split-routine. Getting bigger and fighting in MMA and white-collar boxing matches. The direct consequence of my weight now hitting 14st 7lbs (92kg/203lb) and being 5’7” (170cm) was that you not only meet much larger lads in the fights but my waist was straining, my body fat was increasing, my neck had gone up to 18.5” collar and clothes just wouldn’t fit me properly. The photo below helped me re-evaluate things.
I started training Aikido again in Jan 2010. I also discovered a different approach to training. My first session with Darryl and my friend Denton was quite an eye-opener. I didn't realise how little body-building had prepared me for a functional body-weight\movement based workout. Dead hang chin-ups, burpees, jumping chins, crocodile walks, farmers runs and the 'medicine balls of death' all conspired to make me not only wish I had a stunt double but that I really should take a keener interest in the workout methodology that he was championing. It was the shock therapy I needed to change my lifestyle for the better.
I did further research and undertook further sessions I realised this type of training and eating philosophy was the way to go. It is here where I owe much to Darryl. I have almost entirely followed the exercise workouts he posts on his website and taken his advice on Paleo nutrition.
The results speak for themselves - since then I’ve dropped to 12st 1lbs (76kg/169lb) and now have a Body Fat% of 13. My waist is now 30” for the first time in forever and I feel as strong and as healthy as I ever have.
The only difference is that I’m now 37 instead of 27.
Iain Russell Age 37 – December 2010

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