Workout: 300 - Remember This Day II

Workout: 300 - Remember This Day II
- Fitness Explorer Warmup
- 5 minute row
- 50 Deadlift (using 45-65% of bodyweight)
- 50 Push-Ups
- 50 Jump Squats
- 2 x 25 Walking Lunges (single arm extended overhead - 16kg Kettlebell)
- 50 x 2 arm Kettlebell Swings (driving up to overhead position - 16kg Kettlebell)
- 50 Crocodile Walks (keep as low to the ground as possible)
300 Reps in total
- 25 Second Deadmill Driver
Notes: Complete these 300 reps as quickly as possible, completing each set before moving onto the next exercise. Aim to complete the 300 rep workout in less than 30 minutes.
For beginners, please try the following: 300 (scaled)
300 - King Leonidas: "Remember this day, for it will be yours for all time."
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