60 Second Interview: Rob 'Maximus' MacDonald (GymJones)
Friday, October 22, 2010 at 22:39
Darryl Edwards in Gym Jones, GymJones, Interviews, Rob MacDonald

 60 Second Interview: Rob 'Maximus' MacDonald (Gym Jones)

Who are you?

Rob MacDonald (Maximus).  A person who has been fortunate enough to turn something they love into a career. 

What is fitness to you?

Fitness is not only the ability to do a task.  But also much more than this - it is about discipline, a way of life, almost a religion.

What are your goals?

To inspire and spread what we do to as many people as possible.

What is one of your main concerns in relation to public health?

A lack of accountability.  It is ok to be unfit.  This is the key reason why so many people are overweight and suffer from poor health.  I mean you can even get a flat elevator (travelator) at the airport - because walking on a flat ground requires too much effort.

What is your favourite meal?
A medium-rare, rib-eye steak with mozzarella cheese, spinach, tomato and balsamic vinegar, olive oil dressing.

What is your favourite exercise/activity?
Playing with my child.  I learn more about human movement through him than anything else.


Article originally appeared on Eat for Health, Move for Life : The Paleo Lifestyle (http://www.thefitnessexplorer.com/).
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