Testimonial: Virtual Training (Texas)
In my ‘adult’ life I have experimented with a lot of different movement/exercise/get-your-butt-going programs. I’ve done belly-dancing, fencing, kick-boxing, jiu-jitsu, skateboarding, roller-derby practice, yoga, various group exercise classes, swimmercize, treadmills, gym memberships, and crossfit. All of those were great, and I had a lot of fun with most of them; however, something was lacking in all of them. It was the same thing over and over again. I’d go to class thrilled and excited, I’d go to the gym ready and pumped…but it faded. It faded, and I couldn’t figure out why. Even when there were exciting things. Even when the things changed. It faded. The excitement would die down. Why? I finally figured it out. I didn’t want to ‘go to’ something. I didn’t want to ‘just work out.’ I didn’t want to ‘practice.’ I didn’t want to ‘be the best.’ I just wanted to move and have fun doing so.
How could I do that and achieve my goals of fitness? How could I supplement my already healthy lifestyle? How could I egg myself along? Easy…the answer was training with Darryl Edwards! I knew Darryl’s playshops from PaleoFX. I had met Darryl, had taken his playshops, and had admired the activities happening when I couldn’t participate…so when the time came, I hopped on the chance to take his virtual training! I have to tell you, it was more than worth it! Darryl gets it. He asked for my goals, he said to be specific. He got me down to the nitty-gritty! Darryl worked with ME…with MY goals, within MY constraints and limitations…but he also pushed me and reminded me that not everything is easy, but everything CAN BE fun and games.
Darryl’s virtual training program is tough, I’m not gonna lie. It can be hard work. It can also be fun! The thing is, the training I got from The Fitness Explorer was centered on me, focused on my goals, supportive whether I was good at something or whether I felt I weak, and ever-changing. It also reminded me of how fun movement can be. How I can do a variety of things with just the stuff around me (be they traditional such as deadlifts or sprints or be they silly and playful like plankball or running backward).
I have to say, even though he’s all the way in the UK and I’m over here in Dallas, Texas (worlds apart), The Fitness Explorer, Darryl Edwards virtual training is an outstanding program! One I wish I could just live in! I feel I am the best me! It has made me realize the importance of not just working out, but moving and recognizing what I can do with the environment around me, regardless of what that is! Nothing compares! NOTHING!
-Rachel Flowers