Workout: Compound Lifts (Strength)
- 10 min moderate of Row, Run or Bike.
- 10 Lunges
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Back Extensions
- 10 Squats (Sumo Stance)
- 10 Bodyweight Rows (overhand grip)
Big Lifts (3 sets of 5 reps)*
- Back Squats
- Bench Press (using dumbbells)
- Deadlifts
- Pull-Ups (weighted using vest, or clasp dumbbell between feet)
- Lunges (dumbbell)
- Bent-Over Row (wide grip)
5 x 20 second - Drivers (substitute 5 x 20 second sprints, carrying a heavy object)
* This is to develop strength, so go as heavy as you can for 5 reps.
Video Guest Appearance: Mitch