Workout: Tabata Thursday

Tabata Intervals (A 24 minute workout - including rest periods)
- 20sec Rabbit Walk, 10sec rest - (repeat for 8 rounds).
- rest - 1 minute
- 20s Backwards Bunny Hop, 10s rest - (repeat for 8 rounds)
- rest - 1 minute
- 20s Crocodile Walk, 10s rest - (repeat for 8 rounds)
- rest - 1 minute
- 20s Cat Walk, 10s rest - (repeat for 8 rounds)
- rest - 1 minute
- 20s Backwards Bear Crawl, 10s rest - (repeat for 8 rounds)
* Go as far as you can and as fast as you can during those 20s periods of work and play
Please scale all Fitness Explorer workouts and playouts to your current ability. This may mean increasing or decreasing the weights prescribed, modifying distances and times, or changing number of sets and reps to complete. Get adequate rest and sufficient nutrition to fuel the activity and to aid in recovery. Work hard and play hard but never sacrifice correct form.
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