Testimonial: Paola Does Paleo

I would like to share my personal experience on your website. I decided to give up my Gym Membership in January 2011 for different reasons, one of which was reducing the amount of time spent inside a Gym without achieving much.
Since I met Darryl he made me realise that training is not about the quantity but about the quality. By reducing the time exercising and increasing the intensity it meant I could be fit and healthy without it impacting time spent on my career and other interests.
Darryl conducted a 10 page Fitness and Health Assessment in February 2011. He made me choose specific goals with an ultimate focus on my health. He prepared a Virtual Training programme based on this assessment which I followed with NO EXCUSES.
He also advised me on nutrition with a practical implementation of the Paleo Diet. Being Italian this sounded like a joke at first - NO PASTA, NO PIZZA, NO COFFEE AND NO WINE?
Anyway the results speak for themselves. After 2 months Darryl conducted another Assessment and here were some of the results:
Blood pressure from 122/86 to 114/70
Resting Heart Rate from 76bpm to 66bpm
Body Fat % from 23 to 17.5 (and only losing 3lb in body weight).
Metabolic Age from 36 to 18!
Waist measurement from 74cm to 68cm
Hip measurement from 99cm to 93.5cm
So does Fitness Explorer Virtual Training work?
It certainly does! I train three days a week in my house, in the garden or in the park depending on the weather. Doing Virtual Training taught me to be disciplined and to motivate and challenge myself. The exercises are interesting and different to what I have done before. All of the people I haven't seen in a while have noticed the change in my body and have started improving their diet and doing similar exercises to the ones I have learnt from Darryl.
For the first time in my life I feel really good. I have more energy and wake up without the dependence on a cup of coffee. I can perform movements I never thought I'd be able to do such as pull ups, press ups and burpees. I am leaner, stronger and follow a healthier lifestyle. My balance, posture and new outlook has brought increased confidence to all areas of my life.
I would like to say THANK YOU Darryl for being exceptionally inspiring and such an amazing trainer!
Paola Martini

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