Testimonial: Fitness Explorer Virtual Training - Week 5

Success Stories : Going Virtual - Week 5
I was a little disappointed with my weight loss this week, although I did relax my nutrition plan a little but when I measured I had still lost cm's. Amazing.
I ordered a dress from a catalogue but they only had a size 10 but thought what the hell, I'll try it anyway and to my amazement it fitted. I haven't been a size 10 since late 2001, excellent. That's two dress sizes in 5 weeks.
My husband has continued to amaze me with his weight loss and is dropping body fat all the time. He's gone from 26% to 19% bodyfat. It has been a tough week but I am determined to stick with it.
Previous week's progress here:
Success Stories : Going Virtual - Week 1
Success Stories : Going Virtual - Week 2
Success Stories : Going Virtual - Week 3
Success Stories : Going Virtual - Week 4
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