21 Components of Fitness

21 Components of Physical Fitness:
The first list I saw of this type was Crossfit's (or strictly speaking Dynamax's) 10 components of fitness.
As I expanded my scope of what should be included in my definition of all-round fitness, it meant I had to expand this list.
It has developed into 21 properties of fitness. The most recent of which includes mobility. How many of these do you include in your regime or even deem to be important?
- Accuracy - the ability to control movement in a precise manner.
- Agility - the ability to change the body's position quickly in a controlled fashion.
- Balance - the ability to control the body's stability whilst moving or stationary regardless of its basis of support.
- Body Composition - the ability to maintain the optimal ratio of body fat to lean muscle mass.
- Cardiovascular Endurance - the ability of the body to gather, process and deliver oxygen.
- Coordination - the ability to combine several distinct movements to appear as one integrated move.
- Efficiency - the ability to perform movement with minimal exertion.
- Flexibility - optimal range of movement at the joints.
- Function - the ability to perform whatever activity is required.
- Mobility - the ability to move freely and easily.
- Muscular Endurance - the ability of muscles to maintain force over a period of time.
- Posture - the ability to maintain the correct alignment and position of limbs whilst moving or stationary.
- Power - the ability to exert maximum strength explosively over a given distance.
- Recovery - the ability for the body to return to it's pre-activity state after exercise.
- Response Time - the ability to react quickly (and appropriately) to external stimulus.
- Skill - the ability to develop gross and fine motor skills to refine technique.
- Speed - the ability to move as quickly as possible over a given distance.
- Stamina - the ability of the body to process, store, and utilize energy.
- Strength - the ability to exert a force against resistance (using your own bodyweight or external objects).
- Strength Endurance - the ability to apply force against resistance for a period of time.
- Sustenance - the ability to provide the body with the nutrients required for good health, repair and optimal performance.
Darryl Edwards

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