Coffee - Green Tea?
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 11:31
Darryl Edwards in Caffeine, Coffee, Health, Nutrition

Excerpt from Paleo Fitness p.163
- pro-inflammatory (elevated cytokines in the blood as well as links to gut irritation);
- blocks absorption of micronutrients;
- promotes elevated cortisol secretion;
- cross-reactivity for those who are gluten sensitive;
- elevates heart rate;
- affects both deep and REM sleep by reducing quality by 25% with just 1 cup of coffee before 7am;
- and for many people it masks the reason you don't naturally feel energetic and exuberant in the morning without this effective pick-me-up.
Try green tea instead :-)
Article originally appeared on Eat for Health, Move for Life : The Paleo Lifestyle (
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